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Free and Low Cost Business Resources!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Do you have an ad for your link exchanges?

Do you have an ad for your business? Do you have an ad that's ready to use at a moments notice, if you just happen to find a quality site, that you think would benefit your users, and that just happens to have a link exchange program? I know it's hard to have something ready at all times, and to be perfectly honest, I never feel like anything I write is ever finished - I can always figure out a way to polish it some more, and more, and more.

However, since quality incoming links from other sites are vital in order for your pages to rank well, a good prepared ad for link exchanges is a must!

Today, I checked my email, and I had several messages from people who wanted me to place their link at the Etailers Mall Mall. However, none of the people had followed the directions I'd given them. I had some people who didn't put their name, or the business name in the form. Now the business owners name isn't as important - I just like to have it when I email people to tell them where I put their link.

But what am I supposed to do when they don't give me their business's name? That means I have to go to their website, and figure out what their business name is (which can be harder than you think!) This wastes my precious time, and makes me not want to put their link up. (At Etailers Mall, I do not require a reciprocal link in order for etailers to be listed in the mall, because I am offering a list of etailers as a service to my users, so there is nothing in this for me, other than making my users happy. I do have an Etailers Mall Links" page, and an Etailers Mall "Other" page for sites that are not stores, or that aren't bath, body, candles, cosmetics, or jewelry etailers and would like to do a link exchange though.)

Although not having your business name is bad enough, today I had a link description sent in that was just a list of random words describing the products. They were in no certain order, and did not make sense. I spent at least 20 minutes working that description into a useable description, because, to be perfectly honest with you, I would have been embarrassed to put the description that was given to me on my website.

Although I realize that every one makes mistakes, it is important for your website to have a professional looking ad, that accurately describes what the user will find when he or she clicks on it, and makes people want to click on your ad instead of all of the other ads that are listed on that links page. Now when I say professional looking ad, I don't mean the ad needs to be professionally designed, but the ad does need to make sense (yes, I'm only writing this because of the ad I got today :-) It also needs to be free of grammar or spelling errors.

If you'd like feedback on your ad, feel free to leave a comment with your ad description in it, and I'll tell you what I think.

Best Wishes For a Prosperous Business,



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